Our Vision

The City of Chisago City has a rich history of Native American and Swedish cultures. Our community has come to know and love the Native American words “Ki-Chi-Saga”, which mean “fair and lovely and large waters.”

It is with this great cultural tradition that we the people of the City of Chisago strive to continue shaping our community in a manner that accentuates our great lakes and natural environment and honor the culture that we have grown to respect.

While we reference our history, we also see tomorrow’s changes as opportunities. We see a new city, but Old Towne, as a place where individuals and families of all sizes live peacefully and where neighborhoods are designed to encourage neighborly relationships.

 We see a new city, but Old Towne, as a community with employment opportunities that affords us the ability to live, work and shop in our community. Not only will our community offer jobs that meet the market needs of today, but also they will rise to the challenge of tomorrow’s market demands.

Our neighborhoods and business districts will be linked by a multi-modal transportation system, which will allow pedestrians, non-motorize and motorized travelers to safely and efficiently go from one end of our city to the other.

Our neighborhoods will not only be connected by road and trail ways, but by green space and lakes. Our transportation system and natural ways will be woven together so that traveling through Chisago will be as pleasurable as it is expedient.

We will know our city has become a great home and city for generations to come when our children are safe and healthy, individuals and families of all sizes have housing available in equal proportion, jobs that pay wages sufficient to provide for a family are readily available, we commute less from our community, parks are more abundant, commercial property makes a larger portion of the city’s tax base, citizens are actively involved and the city is known nation wide as one of the best places in America to live.